Have you allowed the devil’s seductive questions to derail you from the truth?

Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, Has God indeed said, you shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Genesis 3:1

When the devil came to Eve in the form of a serpent and asked, “Has God indeed said…?” It was the curtain-raiser for the fall of man through sin and for his banishment from paradise. God had placed the first human couple in a beautiful environment, the Garden of Eden, which He had Himself planted. The creator had only good intentions for his creatures. Yet they listened to the seducer when he cast doubt on God’s love and His commandments.

Are we any better than the first human beings? God still grants us an abundance of earthly blessing. He allows everything to grow, so that we can harvest much. In His word, the Bible, He also shows us how we can get right with him. He gives us instructions for a happy married and family life. He has only our good in mind.

But we listen to the serpent, who questions every one of God’s commandments. Has God indeed said that children who have been conceived should also be born? Has he indeed said that only married couples should live together? Has he said that there is only one way of salvation? Can a God of love be so unmerciful?

This is how we fall a pray to the serpent, because we want more freedom to do what we want – without heeding God. If our attitude doesn’t change, God’s judgment will come upon us, as it did on Adam and Eve. They suffered physical death; we are threatened by eternal condemnation.

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